DGuitar Installing and Running

  1. Download the latest version of DGuitar
  2. Unzip the file DGuitar*.zip at your favorite location (PATH)
  3. Go to the folder were you unzipped the file: PATH/DGuitar รณ PATH\DGuitar
  4. Follow ONE of this steps
    • run java -jar dist/DGuitar.jar (for Windows,Linux,Mac or any)
    • double-click on dist/DGuitar.jar
    • Windows users double-click on DGuitar.bat
    • Macintosh users double-click on DGuitar.command
    • Linux/Unix users:
      • run chmod +x *.sh
      • run ./DGuitar.sh

Instructions to Unzip

Linux/Unix users might use this commands: Windows users might use any of this programs: ALZIPWinRARPowerArchive
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