DGuitar now opens 95% of GuitarPro files version 1,2,3,4 (if a file
fails to open, send it to us)
Allow user to select a FIXED language and store it with the
Allow the user to select different type of the LOGing (at least a user found that window annoying)
Login can be saved to a file
"DGuitarLog.txt" (overwriten with each session)
Test 4 types of logging (no log, log to a file,
log to a window, log to both)
Allow user to choose the type of logging (from
Store the type of log on preferences file
When the MIDI test is performed display a "you should hear a
scale now" message or similar
String "MidiTestUnderProgress" has
been created for each file on the LANG folder
Use that message on a NON modal window
Choose between Fast Load and normal load
Fast-load creates the minimum things, but opening
a file takes longer because JFileChooser takes long to be created)
Normal load creates the needed objects at
launch (opening files is faster, but lunch time is a bit longer)
calculate performance of the ADAPTOR when the PLAY button is
SWITCH BETWEEN LANGUAGES INMEDIATLY without relaunching the program
all the methods that use setText() of Swing
components need to be organized in a method called setLangText() ;
when the language is changed called that method
on required objects
RUSSIAN translation
thanks to Anton Roslavsky
ITALIAN translation
thanks to Dino Michelon (and revised by Martello Giorgio)
POLISH translation
thanks to Marcin Woloszczuk (Marcin Wo\u0142oszczuk)
CZECH translation thanks
to Petr Sigut (Petr \u0160igut)
SWEDISH translation
thanks to Rabbinn (Robin)
translation thanks to Hugo Doria
LANG folder now also supports "LANGUAGE_COUNTRY" files
like "lang_pt_BR.properties"
Finish I18N of the ScoreInformationDialog
I18N of the MidiInternalFrame
FileLocation is now checked for Read and Write permissions
(otherwise is set to user.home)
Add the option to Close in the File menu of the midiFrame
Arrange a new windows lower that the current height, to allow menus
to be seen
Reduce the height of the Tablature Bars/Panel to fit more tracks on
less VERTICAL space
the HEIGHT of the BARPANEL is now correct (changed from GridLayout
to GridBagLayout)
When the Midi Test window is closed while playing the music is NOW
in the ScoreInformation the version is now shown correclty (again)
- This was damaged when GTP decoding was introduced
Cursors now also work on *.GTP files
Fix some Drag and Drop errors
under MAC Set the ICON to the 32X32 since the 16x16 was being
displayed in the Dock
Detect and Allow the "Apple Computer, Inc." java vendor
as supported
When DGuitar.jar is DOUBLE CLICKED the LOG was being created on
now the log is being save under user.home (for
windows this is "c:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\")
Launch DGuitar in ACTUAL MAXIMIZED mode
(this.setExtendedState(Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) )
When a MIDI file is open and "VIEW midi events" have been
chosen, when any checkBox is clicked it plays/stops the MIDI
this BUG also happens with version 0.4.2 (not
fixing bugs on previous versions !!!)
Fix CASE SENSITIVE files names (LICENSE.TXT is converted to
license.txt under LINUX)
Fix DGuitar.sh file so it keeps the +X flag and correct format
[ 1188181 ] DGuitar Log Window is Black Text on Black on OS X
ScrollTextPanel.java was changed
jTextArea1.setBackground(new Color(168,152,144)) ;
When there is a WHITE COLOR TRACK display that color to BLACK
otherwise the MusicCursor will not be VISIBLE
(background at this moment is also WHITE)
Remove all the popular/well know songs from
this and next official releases
When CLOSING DGuitar with MINIMIZED windows, produces a
When opening a http:// file...and not conncected to internet
CATCH this error "java.net.UnknownHostException:
www.HOST.com" and show a message "please make sure you are
connected to internet, since HOST was not found"
create the correct icon for the 128th duration note
Show the max number of measures in the PlayPanel
Playing a *.GTP file (KANSAS_DUSTINTHEWIND.GTP) was causing and
error :
All the features from previous versions
VERSION 0.4.2 - released on March 11.2005
Plays Guitar Pro files directly (play more than one simultanously...happy mixing !!)
The player version is 0.1.0 + the viewer version is 0.3.2 = 0.4.2
When a Guitar Pro file is being played you can see at what
measure and beat is the player (PlayPanel)
List the midi devices available
Most messages are now translated to FRENCH
Most messages are now translated to GERMAN
The INTERNATIONALIZATION files are now located under
the LANG folder, this simplifies the translation process since the translation does not require compilation
I18N of the second panel for Colors, including the
name of the tabs
when the variable private boolean questionMark of class BarTablature is set to TRUE ; The unsupported effects will be displayed as "?"
To simplify the programing the DGuitarApplet was removed
(effects, and different toolbar, could not be show because they depend on
local GIFs)
The PLAY button should be a ToggleButton that is sunked
when its playing.
The file filter was accepting *.* and the list was holding history.
All the features from the previous releases
VERSION 0.3.1.v - released on March 7.2005
If you prefer to see take a look at the Screenshots
5 type of bends are now shown
Let-ring is now visible too
Dynamic of the notes can be seen using Colors (including
Black to Light Gray gradient)
the COLOR PANEL is showing an INPUT box, that is not needed (remove
18N of the Color options
The height of the MidiEvents checkboxes was not fitting the information
Features from previous version
VERSION 0.3.1.p - Released Mar.04.2005
Each piece can have its own Color selection
that includes:
Each note/beat can have the same color
or a color based on its
Each vertical rhythm line can have the same
color or a color based on the duration of the beat
In both cases you can choose any color(s) that you
Now the unkown midi events are display as an array of ints
Now the midi events are also shown as a Grid of checkBoxes:
un/selecting the midi events un/selects the related checkboxes on the grid
un/selecting the grid checkboxes un/selectes the midi events
the checkbox has a ToolTip that describes the MidiEvent too.
Changes to TrackPanel:
remove the border
remove the clef (is only used when is standard notation)
about the windows that are open from any InternalFrame (Piece or Midi)
only one of each kind is open
when a InternalFrame is closing it also closes asociated windows
GP4 statistics, now informs the number of tracks with lyrics
Features from previous version
VERSION 0.3.0.a - Released Feb.22.2005
Open a GP4 directly from Internet (i.e. MySongBook)
Now the Midi Events for a MID file are listed
Use the Statistics options to find out how complex is a GP4 file (number of effects on Beats and Notes, number of tracks, number of ChordDiagrams...etc)
The Statistics option can also be used for a complete folder, this is usefull to decide what effects are more common and start working on them.
Features from previous version
VERSION 0.2.9.a
Now when a GP4 window view is changed it resizes to the best size.
Fixed internationalization strings
Midi windows are now wider
The tietle of the program now show the title of the current window
The About,Authors now shows the LOGO
DGuitar LOG WINDOW was simplified (logo removed)
Features from previous version
VERSION 0.2.8.b
Choose between MultiTrack view or Each track on a Tab.
Proportional Spacin is here !! (choose between two methods)
Dotted notes are now shown (the actual dot :)
Horizontal Rhythm lines have been added
Vertical Rhythm lines are now related to the beat duration
The correct number of instrument Strings are now shown.
The DGUITARLOG window is closable if the program fails to open
DGuitar allows to see GP4 files inside your browser TEST
play MIDI files (multiple open and independent playback)
enable the TextView (to see all the details of a GP4 file)
align the bars to the widest bar of a measure (getting ready for proportional spacing)
add an option that allows to enable or disable program perfomance (menu Option, Evaluate perfomance) The performance of the program is registered in the LOG window.
add a menuOption that displays the AUTHORS
add a menuOption that displays the LICENSE
DGuitarApplet now shows information about AUTHORS,LICENSE
start testing different midi options (instrument selection, note
add a Nice logo at the startup
Features from previous version
it displays most of the FRETS of the files (see screenshot)
opens ALMOST every GP4 file (send me a GP4 file that fails to open)
it has a separate LOG window to display usefull
it displays MidiChannels information. (not nice but working)
displays this values of a TablatureBar
the NOTES (frets)
number of the measure in RED
time siganture
display the number of repetions.
Features from previous version
it reads and displays all of the information about the header of the
tablature author
multiple files can be open/created.
it supports ENGLISH and SPANISH and is ready for other languages
progress bars are displayed in case the required task takes too long.
it allows you to set the folder that contains your GTP files
it is Skin Ready (you can create your own buttons)