Uses of Interface

Packages that use SongMeasure
dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro Provides classes for Adapting a GPSong to a SongObject. 
dguitar.adaptors.midi An adaptor to import MIDI files as a Song. Provides classes for handling Songs. Provides classes for implementing a Song. 
dguitar.players.sound Provides classes for playing songs, by listening. 
dguitar.players.sound.midi Provides classes for the MIDI player. 

Uses of SongMeasure in dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro

Methods in dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro that return SongMeasure
private static SongMeasure GPAdaptor.makeSongMeasure(Song song, java.util.ListIterator itM, java.util.ListIterator itMTP, java.util.List tracks)
          Create and return a regular SongMeasure from the current position of the iterators.

Uses of SongMeasure in dguitar.adaptors.midi

Methods in dguitar.adaptors.midi with parameters of type SongMeasure
private static void MidiAdaptor.encodeTrack(Song song, SongMeasure songMeasure, java.util.List singleTrack, int trackIndex)

Uses of SongMeasure in

Methods in that return SongMeasure
 SongMeasure SongPhrase.getScoreMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure SongPhrase.getPerformanceMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure Song.getSongScoreMeasure(int measure)
          This is a convenience method to return the given measure from the score in musicians' notation (measure 1 is the first measure printed, not 0)
 SongMeasure Song.getSongPerformanceMeasure(int measure)
          This is a convenience method to return the given measure from the score in musicians' notation (measure 1 is the first measure printed, not 0)

Uses of SongMeasure in

Classes in that implement SongMeasure
 class SongMeasureImpl
          Implementation of SongMeasure

Methods in that return SongMeasure
 SongMeasure SongPhraseListImpl.getScoreMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure SongPhraseListImpl.getPerformanceMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure SongMeasureImpl.getScoreMeasure(int i)
 SongMeasure SongMeasureImpl.getPerformanceMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure SongImpl.getSongScoreMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure SongImpl.getSongPerformanceMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure RepeatedSongPhraseImpl.getScoreMeasure(int measure)
 SongMeasure RepeatedSongPhraseImpl.getPerformanceMeasure(int measure)

Uses of SongMeasure in dguitar.players.sound

Fields in dguitar.players.sound declared as SongMeasure
(package private)  SongMeasure PerformanceTimerEvent.measure

Methods in dguitar.players.sound with parameters of type SongMeasure
 void Performance.addTimerEvents(SongMeasure measure, int location)
          Generate timer events for the given measure, which will be at the specified location.

Constructors in dguitar.players.sound with parameters of type SongMeasure
PerformanceTimerEvent(EventStream es, int offset, SongMeasure measure, int beat, int division, int totalDivisions)

Uses of SongMeasure in dguitar.players.sound.midi

Methods in dguitar.players.sound.midi with parameters of type SongMeasure
 void PerformanceLive.addTimerEvents(SongMeasure measure, int location)
 void PerformanceFile.addTimerEvents(SongMeasure measure, int location)