Uses of Class

Packages that use GPBeat
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1 Provides a codec for *.GTP files in version 1. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2 Provides a codec for *.GTP files in version 2. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3 Provides a codec for *.GP3 files. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4 Provides a codec for *.GP4 files.. 
dguitar.gui Provides Graphical User Interface classes for other packages. 

Uses of GPBeat in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1 that return GPBeat
private  GPBeat GP1InputStream.readBeat(int trackNumberOfStrings)
          Returns a beat read from a GP2 file.

Uses of GPBeat in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2 that return GPBeat
private  GPBeat GP2InputStream.readBeat(int trackNumberOfStrings)
          Returns a beat read from a GP2 file.

Uses of GPBeat in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3 that return GPBeat
private  GPBeat GP3InputStream.readBeat()
          Returns a beat read from a GP3 file.

Uses of GPBeat in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4 that return GPBeat
private  GPBeat GP4InputStream.readBeat()
          Reads a Guitar Pro beat

Uses of GPBeat in dguitar.gui

Methods in dguitar.gui that return GPBeat
protected  GPBeat BarMTP.nextBeat(java.util.List Beats, int b, int max)

Methods in dguitar.gui with parameters of type GPBeat
private  javax.swing.JLabel BarTablature.createLabelForIndex(int pos, int x, int y, GPEffectsOnNote EON, GPBeat beat)
private  void BarTablature.eonAdd(int currentX, int currentY, GPEffectsOnNote EON, GPBeat beat)
          add a Effect On Note using the currentX position, and duration
private  void BarTablature.eonLocate(javax.swing.JLabel EONLabel, int currentX, int currentY, GPEffectsOnNote EON, GPBeat beat)
          This method sets the position of a Effects on Note label
protected  void BarTablature.paintEffects(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, int y, GPEffectsOnNote EON, int contEON, GPBeat beat)
protected  void BarTablature.paintRhythmHL(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int lowest, int n, GPBeat prev)
          Paints the Rhytm Horizonal Lines
protected  void BarTablature.paintSilence(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, GPBeat beat, int contSilences)
          This method paints a Silence
protected  int BarMTP.calculateWidthOfBeat(GPBeat beat)
protected abstract  void BarMTP.paintRhythmHL(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int lowest, int n, GPBeat prev)
protected abstract  void BarMTP.paintSilence(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, GPBeat beat, int contSilences)
protected abstract  void BarMTP.paintEffects(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, int y, GPEffectsOnNote EON, int contEON, GPBeat beat)
protected  void BarMTP.paintRhythm(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, GPBeat beat, GPBeat prev, GPBeat next)
          paints the vertical and horizontal rhythm lines.
protected  void BarMTP.paintBeat(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, GPBeat beat, GPBeat prev, GPBeat next, BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo I)
          paint a singleBeat, given the currentX position, beat, Nots and the noteIndex. is also uses the prev and next GPBeat

Uses of GPBeat in dguitar.gui.unused

Methods in dguitar.gui.unused with parameters of type GPBeat
 void BarStandard.paintRhythmHL(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int lowest, int n, GPBeat prev)
 void BarStandard.paintSilence(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, GPBeat beat, int contSilences)
 void BarStandard.paintEffects(java.awt.Graphics g, int currentX, int y, GPEffectsOnNote EON, int contEON, GPBeat beat)