Uses of Class

Packages that use GPDuration
dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro Provides classes for Adapting a GPSong to a SongObject. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro Provides codecs for GuitarPro files (GP4,GP3...). 
dguitar.gui Provides Graphical User Interface classes for other packages. 

Uses of GPDuration in dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro

Methods in dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro with parameters of type GPDuration
private static int GPAdaptor.calculateDuration(GPDuration duration, boolean dotted, int ntuplet)

Uses of GPDuration in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro

Fields in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro declared as GPDuration
private  GPDuration GPTrill._period
          The period between each note.
 GPDuration GPNote.duration
          Note duration possibly linked to this note.
private  GPDuration GPGraceNote._duration
          The duration of the grace note.
 GPDuration GPEffectsOnNote.tremoloPicking
          Tremolo picking possibly associated with this effect.
 GPDuration GPEffectsOnBeat.downStroke
          Downstroke possibly associated with this effect.
 GPDuration GPEffectsOnBeat.upStroke
          Upstroke possibly associated with this effect.
static GPDuration GPDuration.WHOLE
          A whole note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.HALF
          A half note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.QUARTER
          A quarter note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.EIGHTH
          An eighth note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.SIXTEENTH
          A sixteenth note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.THIRTY_SECOND
          A thirty-second note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.SIXTY_FOURTH
          A sixty-fourth note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.HUNDRED_TWENTY_EIGHTH
          A hundred twenty-eighth note.
static GPDuration GPDuration.UNKNOWN_DURATION
          An undocumented duration.
private static GPDuration[] GPDuration._durations
          The durations.
private  GPDuration GPBeat._duration
          This beat's duration.

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro that return GPDuration
 GPDuration GPTrill.getPeriod()
          Returns this trill's period.
 GPDuration GPGraceNote.getDuration()
          Returns this grace note's duration.
static GPDuration GPDuration.valueOf(int type)
          Returns the GPDuration associated with the value type.
 GPDuration GPBeat.getDuration()
          Returns this beat's duration.

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro with parameters of type GPDuration
 void GPTrill.setPeriod(GPDuration period)
          Sets this trill's period.
 void GPGraceNote.setDuration(GPDuration duration)
          Sets this grace note's duration.
 void GPBeat.setDuration(GPDuration duration)
          Sets this beat's duration.

Uses of GPDuration in dguitar.gui

Fields in dguitar.gui declared as GPDuration
private  GPDuration BarMTP.minDuration

Methods in dguitar.gui that return GPDuration
private  GPDuration SongPanel.minDurationOfMeasure(int m)
          calculate the min duration of the beat of measure ´m´ it is assumed that m < numMeasures
 GPDuration BarMTP.minDurationOfBeats()
          Gets the minDuration of a measure-track pair This method is used for proporcional spacing

Methods in dguitar.gui with parameters of type GPDuration
private  void SongPanel.setMinDuration(GPDuration minDuration, int m)
          this methos propagate the minDuration vertically..acrros the tracks m is the measure number
 java.awt.Color ColorScheme.getColor(GPDuration duration)
          returns the color for a Given GP duration
private  void BarTablature.addSilence(int currentX, GPDuration d)
          add a Silence simbol using the currentX position, and duration
 void BarMTP.setMinDuration(GPDuration d)