Uses of Class

Packages that use GPFormatException
dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro Provides classes for Adapting a GPSong to a SongObject. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro Provides codecs for GuitarPro files (GP4,GP3...). 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1 Provides a codec for *.GTP files in version 1. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2 Provides a codec for *.GTP files in version 2. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3 Provides a codec for *.GP3 files. 
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4 Provides a codec for *.GP4 files.. 
dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo Provides classes that demostrates the MIDI player capabilites. 

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro

Methods in dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro that throw GPFormatException
private static RepeatedSongPhrase GPAdaptor.makeRepeatedSongPhrase(Song song, java.util.ListIterator itM, java.util.ListIterator itMTP, java.util.List tracks)
          Create and return a regular SongMeasure from the current position of the iterators.
private static SongPhrase GPAdaptor.phraseFactory(Song song, java.util.ListIterator itM, java.util.ListIterator itMTP, java.util.List tracks)
          Look ahead at the next measure, build and determine a suitable SongPhrase to handle it.
static Song GPAdaptor.makeSong(GPSong piece)

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro that throw GPFormatException
 java.lang.Object GPInputStream.readObject()
private  GPSong GPInputStream.readPiece()
          Reads a piece from the stream.

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1

Subclasses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1
 class GP1FormatException
          The class GP1FormatException is an exception thrown when there is a problem with the decoding of a Guitar Pro 1 file.

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2

Subclasses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2
 class GP2FormatException
          The class GP2FormatException is an exception thrown when there is a problem with the decoding of a Guitar Pro 2 file.

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3

Subclasses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3
 class GP3FormatException
          The class GP3FormatException is an exception thrown when there is a problem with the decoding of a GP3 file.

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4

Subclasses of GPFormatException in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4
 class GP4FormatException
          this class is declared to throw RunTimeExcpetions when parsing the file this might include (but not limited to): - invalid version found - number of mesasures and tracks do not match MeasureTracPairs - any other discrepancies/erros in the file (negative frets, etc).

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4 that throw GPFormatException
 GPSong GP4InputStream.readPiece()
          Reads a Piece from the stream.
private  GPBeat GP4InputStream.readBeat()
          Reads a Guitar Pro beat
private  GPMeasureTrackPair GP4InputStream.readMeasureTrackPair()
          Reads a measure track pair
private  GPChordDiagram GP4InputStream.readChordDiagram()

Uses of GPFormatException in dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo

Methods in dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo that throw GPFormatException
static Song PlayerDemo.loadGPToSong(java.lang.String fileName)
          Attempt to load a GP file as a Song.

Uses of GPFormatException in test.suite

Methods in test.suite that throw GPFormatException
 void TripletTestCase.testTriplet()
          Test that triplets are adapted and played correctly.
static Song TripletTestCase.loadGPToSong(java.lang.String fileName)
          Attempt to load a GP file as a Song.