Uses of Class

Packages that use GPVibrato
dguitar.codecs.guitarPro Provides codecs for GuitarPro files (GP4,GP3...). 

Uses of GPVibrato in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro

Fields in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro declared as GPVibrato
static GPVibrato GPVibrato.NONE
static GPVibrato GPVibrato.FAST
static GPVibrato GPVibrato.AVERAGE
static GPVibrato GPVibrato.SLOW
private static GPVibrato[] GPVibrato._vibratos
          The vibratos.
private  GPVibrato GPBendPoint._vibrato
          Determines how to play the section

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro that return GPVibrato
static GPVibrato GPVibrato.valueOf(int type)
          Returns the GPVibrato associated with the value type.
 GPVibrato GPBendPoint.getVibrato()
          Returns this point's vibrato.

Methods in dguitar.codecs.guitarPro with parameters of type GPVibrato
 void GPBendPoint.setVibrato(GPVibrato vibrato)
          Sets this point's vibrato effect.