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P - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPDynamic
PERFECT - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTonalityType
PITCH - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPHarmonic
PP - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPDynamic
PPP - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPDynamic
piano pianissimo
PPQ_HIGH_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro.GPAdaptor
PPQ_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro.GPAdaptor
PREBEND - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendType
PREBEND indicates a bend of type Prebend.
PREBEND_RELEASE - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendType
PREBEND_RELEASE indicates a bend of type Prebend and Release.
PTB - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
Panel - Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
Performance - interface dguitar.players.sound.Performance.
A Performance is an interface to a prepared version of a Song.
PerformanceCore - class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceCore.
Implementation of a Performance
PerformanceCore(int, Tempo, int) - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceCore
PerformanceEvent - class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceEvent.
PerformanceEvent(EventStream, int) - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceEvent
PerformanceEventListener - interface dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceEventListener.
PerformanceFile - class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceFile.
PerformanceFile(int, Tempo, int) - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceFile
PerformanceLive - class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceLive.
PerformanceLive(int, Tempo, int) - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceLive
PerformanceNoteEvent - class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceNoteEvent.
PerformanceNoteEvent(EventStream, int, SongEvent) - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceNoteEvent
PerformanceTimerEvent - class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceTimerEvent.
PerformanceTimerEvent(EventStream, int, SongMeasure, int, int, int) - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceTimerEvent
PerformanceTimerListener - interface dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceTimerListener.
PieceCumulative - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStats
PlayPanel - class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel.
A practical example of an object that implements the PerformanceTimerListener interface to diplay GUI information about what is being played.
PlayPanel(boolean) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
Creates a PlayPanel
PlayPanel - class dguitar.players.gui.PlayPanel.
An example of an object that implements the PerformanceTimerListener interface to diplay GUI information about what is being played.
PlayPanel() - Constructor for class dguitar.players.gui.PlayPanel
Creates a PlayPanel
PlayToolBar - class dguitar.gui.PlayToolBar.
PlayToolBar(Image[], DGDesktopPane, Image[]) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.PlayToolBar
Creates a PlayToolBar that can be used to play Midi/SongInternalFrames
Playable - interface dguitar.gui.Playable.
Any object that wants to be played by the PlayPanel must implement this interface
PlayerDemo - class dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo.PlayerDemo.
PlayerDemo() - Constructor for class dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo.PlayerDemo
PlayerDemoTest - class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.
PlayerDemoTest() - Constructor for class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest
PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter - class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter.
PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter(String) - Constructor for class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter
PlayerDemoTest.PrintStreamLinePrinter - class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.PrintStreamLinePrinter.
PlayerDemoTest.PrintStreamLinePrinter(String) - Constructor for class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.PrintStreamLinePrinter
p - Variable in class dguitar.gui.ScoreInformationDialog
p - Variable in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
p - Variable in class dguitar.gui.unused.NoteComponent
The position in pixels relative to the BarComponent
pAnt - Variable in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
paint(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.NoteComponent
paintBeat(Graphics, int, GPBeat, GPBeat, GPBeat, BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
paint a singleBeat, given the currentX position, beat, Nots and the noteIndex. is also uses the prev and next GPBeat
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.Bar
Calls the UI delegate's paint method, if the UI delegate is non-null.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.SlideLabel
paintEffects(Graphics, int, int, GPEffectsOnNote, int, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
paintEffects(Graphics, int, int, GPEffectsOnNote, int, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarTablature
paintEffects(Graphics, int, int, GPEffectsOnNote, int, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
paintImpl(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.SlideLabel
paintMeasure(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.Bar
paintMeasureTrackPair(Graphics) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
This methods overrides the method of Bar and actually paints the frets Graphics g object that is passed has already a copy of the
paintNote(Graphics, int, int, GPNote) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
This method paint the notes using g, currentX, y and a GPNote
paintNote(Graphics, int, int, GPNote) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarTablature
This method paint the notes using g, currentX, y and a GPNote
paintNote(Graphics, int, int, GPNote) - Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
paintRhythm(Graphics, int, int, GPBeat, GPBeat, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
paints the vertical and horizontal rhythm lines.
paintRhythmHL(Graphics, int, int, int, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
paintRhythmHL(Graphics, int, int, int, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarTablature
Paints the Rhytm Horizonal Lines
paintRhythmHL(Graphics, int, int, int, GPBeat) - Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
paintSilence(Graphics, int, GPBeat, int) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
paintSilence(Graphics, int, GPBeat, int) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarTablature
This method paints a Silence
paintSilence(Graphics, int, GPBeat, int) - Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
paintSpaceAroundFret(Graphics, String, int, int) - Method in class dguitar.gui.BarTablature
Fill a rectangle with the background color of the size of the text to be displayed
palmMute - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnNote
Presence of a Palm-Mute (PM).
pan - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
parent - Variable in class dguitar.gui.FileLoaderHandler
parent - Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
parent - Variable in class dguitar.gui.listeners.ADropTargetListener
part - Variable in class test.suite.SongPhraseListImplTest
pause() - Method in interface dguitar.gui.Playable
pause() - Method in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
pause() - Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
perform(JInternalFrame, SongActionParameters) - Static method in class dguitar.gui.SongAction
This method performs the given action over a JInternalFrame.
perform(JDesktopPane, SongActionParameters) - Static method in class dguitar.gui.SongAction
This method ITERATES over the internal Frames of a desktopPane and performs the given action.
performViewEvent(ActionEvent) - Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
performanceFile - Variable in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiFiler
phaser - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
phaser - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMixTableChange
Gives the changes about the phaser.
phrase - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.RepeatedSongPhraseImpl
phrase - Variable in class test.suite.RepeatedSongPhraseImplTest
phraseFactory(Song, ListIterator, ListIterator, List) - Static method in class dguitar.adaptors.guitarPro.GPAdaptor
Look ahead at the next measure, build and determine a suitable SongPhrase to handle it.
phrases - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongPhraseListImpl
pickStrokes - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnBeat
Pickstroke possibly associated with this effect.
pickStrokes - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStatsEffectsOnBeat
piece - Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
pieceName - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStatsPiece
pitch - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongNoteOnMessage
playBtn - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiTest
playImg - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiTest
playPanel - Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayToolBar
playToolBar - Variable in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
A toolbar that contains a PLAY button, an other controls and information
playToolBar - Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
player - Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
playerDemo(String, SoundPlayer, LinePrinter) - Static method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo.PlayerDemo
playerThread - Variable in class test.tools.MockMidiPlayer
playing - Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
Determine if the playPanel is playing or not a song or songs
playing - Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayToolBar
playing - Static variable in interface dguitar.gui.Playable
playing - Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
playing - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
playing - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiTest
point - Variable in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
The point where this measure and beat is located
pointUpdated() - Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursor
Everty time the field point is updated you should call this
popping - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnBeat
Presence of a popping effect (bass guitar).
popping - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStatsEffectsOnBeat
porcentaje(int, int) - Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStats
Calculates de porcentaje of a value
port - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongDeviceImpl
postInit() - Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
postInit() - Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
postInit() - Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
postInit() - Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiDevices
postInit() - Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.DGPlayer
ppq - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongImpl
preferencesApply() - Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
this method apply the preferences loaded from the file or the default
preferencesLoad() - Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
This method tries to load the preferences file
preferencesStore() - Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
This method tries to save the preferences to a file
preferencesUse() - Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
reads the Keys from the Properties file and set the related variables or the default ones
prevValues - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
primaryDevice - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
print() - Method in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
println(String) - Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo.LinePrinter
println(String) - Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.demo.SystemLinePrinter
println(String) - Method in class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter
println(String) - Method in class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.PrintStreamLinePrinter
prioritizeByChannel(List) - Static method in class test.tools.MidiTools
program - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
progressMonitor - Variable in class dguitar.gui.FileLoaderHandler
ps - Variable in class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.PrintStreamLinePrinter
pte - Variable in class dguitar.players.gui.MusicCursorScroller.RunLater

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