A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _


B - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordNote
B - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPKey
BEND - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendType
BEND indicates a bend of type Bend.
BEND - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPGraceNoteTransition
BEND_RELEASE - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendType
BEND_RELEASE indicates a bend of type Bend and Release.
BEND_RELEASE_BEND - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendType
BEND_RELEASE_BEND indicates a bend of type Bend and Release and Bend.
BP - Variable in class dguitar.gui.Bar
B_FLAT - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPKey
B Flat
B_FLAT_MINOR - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPKey
B flat minor
B_MINOR - Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPKey
B minor
Bar - class dguitar.gui.Bar.
This class represents a musicl bar (it contains a musical measure)
Bar(DisplayOptions, BarPanel) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.Bar
Creates a new instance of Bar based on a BarPanel
BarMTP - class dguitar.gui.BarMTP.
This class extends Bar, and it holds a MeasureTrackPair.
BarMTP(DisplayOptions, BarPanel) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
Creates a new instance of BarTablature, related the BarPanel BP
BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo - class dguitar.gui.BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo.
BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo() - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo
BarPanel - class dguitar.gui.BarPanel.
A BarPanel might contains many Bar object inside Those Bar Objects can be BarTablature, BarStandar or any other compent that extend Bar
BarPanel() - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
Creates an empty barPanel used for casting or other operations
BarPanel(DisplayOptions) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
Creates new BarPanel that can contain BarTablature, BarStandar components
BarStandard - class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard.
This class extends BarMTP, it represents a Bar with a StandardNotation display This class still exists in order to be re-used again in not so distant future.
BarStandard(DisplayOptions, BarPanel) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
Creates a new instance of Bar
BarTablature - class dguitar.gui.BarTablature.
This class extends BarMTP and display the notes using Guitar Tablature representation
BarTablature(DisplayOptions, BarPanel) - Constructor for class dguitar.gui.BarTablature
Creates a new instance of BarTablature, related the BarPanel BP
BottomOffset - Variable in class dguitar.gui.DisplayOptions
how much space below is preserved
Buttons - Static variable in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
backGround - Variable in class dguitar.gui.Bar
balance - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMixTableChange
Gives the changes about the balance.
barVector - Variable in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
barreEnds - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
Barre end: List of 5 Bytes Indicates the first string of the barre, 1 being the lowest.
barreStarts - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
Barre start: List of 5 Bytes Indicates the first string of the barre, 1 being the highest.
baseFret - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
Base fret: Integer Shows the fret from which the chord is displayed.
bass - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
Bass: Integer Lowest note of the chord.
beat - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.Tempo
beat - Variable in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
To know if the object is a beat or a bar
beat - Variable in class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceTimerEvent
beats - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStatsMeasureTrackPair
beatsLbl - Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
beatsLbl - Variable in class dguitar.players.gui.PlayPanel
beatsValue - Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
beatsValue - Variable in class dguitar.players.gui.PlayPanel
bend - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnNote
Bend possibly associated with this effect.
bendSensitivity - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
bendsSongDefinition() - Static method in class test.songs.SongArchive
blue - Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPColor
The blue component.
blueSongDefinition() - Static method in class test.songs.SongArchive
booleanProperty(String, String) - Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
Tries to load the boolean key from the properties file
bpm - Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.Tempo
br - Variable in class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter
btnCancel - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiDevices
btnPanel - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiDevices
btnSetDevice - Variable in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiDevices
buttonGroup - Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
buttonGroup - Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
buttonGroup - Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
buttons - Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorDialog
buttons - Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayToolBar

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _