for the position aDisplayOptions
values to this Song
field according to the fileName
setLyrics(GPTrackLyrics) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setMeasure(GPMeasure) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.Bar
setMeasureNumber(int, int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrackLyrics
Sets the number of the measure from which the lyrics start on line i.
setMeasureNumberFont(Font) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setMeasureTrackPair(GPMeasureTrackPair) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
setMeasureTrackPair(int, GPMeasureTrackPair) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setMeasureTrackPair(int, GPMeasureTrackPair) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setMeasures(List) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setMeasures(List) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setMeasuresTracksPairs() -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setMenuIndexedListener(MenuIndexedListener) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongOptionsMenu
setMessage(SongMessage) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongEvent
setMessage(SongMessage) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongEventImpl
setMidiDevices(Object[]) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiDevices
setMidiFileName(String) -
Method in class test.songs.MidiSongDefinition
setMidiTrackEvents(Vector) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiEventPanel
This method iterates over V and creates objects acoording to that
setMinDuration(GPDuration) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
setMinDuration(GPDuration, int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
this methos propagate the minDuration vertically..acrros the tracks m is
the measure number
setMinPieceSpacing(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setMinWidth(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
setMinWidth(int, int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setMultiTrackView(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setMusicCursor(int, int, boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setMusicCursorPosition(MusicCursorPosition) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursor
setMusicCursorSingleColor(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setMusicCursorSingleColor(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setMusicCursorsProcesingEvents(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setMusicCursorsVisible(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setNTuplet(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBeat
Sets the number of the n-tuplet (3, 5, 7...).
setNTuplet(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPNote
Sets this note's n-tuplet.
setName(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setName(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMarker
Sets this marker's name.
setName(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrack
Sets this track's name.
setNewValue(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMixTableElement
Sets this element's new value.
setNext(PerformanceEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.PerformanceEvent
Chain this performance event to the next one in the same event stream.
setNineElevenThirteen(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setNote(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMusicalNote
Sets the note.
setNote(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setNoteSpacing(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setNoteSpacing(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setNoteSpacing(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setNotes(List) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP.PaintedBeatInfo
setNotesFont(Font) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setNumBarres(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setNumBeat(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
setNumMeasure(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
setNumMeasures(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
setNumMeasures(int) -
Method in class dguitar.players.gui.PlayPanel
setNumTracks(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
setNumber(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMeasure
Sets this measure's number.
setNumberOfAlternateEnding(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMeasure
Sets this measure's number of alternate endings.
setNumberOfFrets(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrack
Sets this track's number of frets.
setNumberOfRepetitions(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMeasure
Sets this measure's number of repetitions.
setNumberOfStrings(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrack
Sets this track's number of strings.
setNumerator(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMeasure
Sets this measure's numerator.
setOctave(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setPan(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setPan(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setPerformance(Performance) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.MasterPlayer
setPerformance(Performance) -
Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.SoundPlayer
setPerformance(Performance) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiFiler
setPerformance(Performance) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiPlayer
setPerformance(Performance) -
Method in class test.tools.MockMidiPlayer
setPeriod(GPDuration) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrill
Sets this trill's period.
setPhaser(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setPhaser(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setPhaser(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMIDIChannel
Sets this MIDI channel's phaser.
setPiece(GPSong) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ScoreInformationDialog
setPitch(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongNoteOnMessage
setPlaying(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
setPlaying(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.PlayToolBar
setPlaying(boolean) -
Method in interface dguitar.gui.Playable
setPlaying(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
setPlaying(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
setPoint(Point) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
setPort(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrack
Sets this track's port.
setPosition(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendPoint
Sets this point's position.
setPrimaryDevice(SongDevice) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setPrimaryDevice(SongDevice) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setProgram(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setProgram(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setRepeatCount(int) -
Method in class test.songs.RepeatedSongComponent
setRepeatFont(Font) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setRestBeat(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBeat
Sets this beat to be a rest or not according to restBeat.
setResults(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStats
setReverb(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setReverb(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setReverb(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMIDIChannel
Sets this MIDI channel's reverb.
setRightOffset(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursor
setRoot(GPChordNote) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setSecondaryDevice(SongDevice) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setSecondaryDevice(SongDevice) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setSelected(MidiTrackEvent, boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiEventPanel
Selects a given MidiTrackEvent
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiEventPanelItem
setSharp(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setSides(String, String) -
Method in class test.suite.PlayerDemoTest.ComparisonLinePrinter
setSingleColor(ColorScheme) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
setSingleColor(ColorScheme) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
setSingleColor(ColorScheme) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
setSongObject(Object) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
setSongTitle(String) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
setSoundPlayer(SoundPlayer) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.MasterPlayer
setString(int, boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBeat
Changes the status of the string i.
setStringsTuning(int, int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrack
Sets this track's string tuning.
setSubtitle(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setTempo(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setTempo(Tempo) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceCore
setTieNote(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPNote
Sets this note as a tie note or not according to isGhostNote.
setTime(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongEvent
setTime(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongEventImpl
setTimeSignature(int, TimeSignature) -
Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.Performance
setTimeSignature(int, TimeSignature) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceCore
setTimeSignatureFont(Font) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.MasterPlayer
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.Performance
Set the frequency of timer events, in clicks per beat.
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.TimerSettings
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiPlayer
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceFile
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.PerformanceLive
setTimerFrequency(int) -
Method in class test.tools.MockMidiPlayer
setTitle(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setTonality(GPKey) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMeasure
Sets this measure's tonality.
setTonalityEleven(GPTonalityType) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setTonalityFive(GPTonalityType) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setTonalityNine(GPTonalityType) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setTonalityType(GPTonalityType) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
setTopOffset(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.Bar
setTopOffset(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
Set the TopOffset of all the Bars in this BarPanel caller of this method
should call validate or repaint() as neccesary
setTrack(GPTrack) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
setTrack(GPTrack) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
setTrackNumber(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPTrackLyrics
Sets the track number.
setTransition(GPGraceNoteTransition) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPGraceNote
Sets this grace note's transition.
setTremolo(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setTremolo(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setTremolo(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMIDIChannel
Sets this MIDI channel's tremolo.
setType(GPBendType) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBend
Sets the type of this bend.
setTypeOfSlide(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SlideLabel
setTypeOfSlide(GPSlide) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SlideLabel
setUI(ComponentUI) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGFileChooser
setUSQ(double) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.Tempo
setUp() -
Method in class test.suite.RepeatedSongPhraseImplTest
setUp() -
Method in class test.suite.SongPhraseListImplTest
setUp() -
Method in class test.suite.TempoTestCase
setValue(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBend
Sets this bend's value.
setValue(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendPoint
Sets this point's value.
setVelocity(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongNoteOnMessage
setVersion(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
setVibrato(GPVibrato) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPBendPoint
Sets this point's vibrato effect.
setVirtualTrack(SongVirtualTrack) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongEvent
setVirtualTrack(SongVirtualTrack) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongEventImpl
setVisibleScrolls(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.midi.MidiInternalFrame
setVolume(int) -
Method in interface dguitar.adaptors.song.SongTrack
setVolume(int) -
Method in class dguitar.adaptors.song.impl.SongTrackImpl
setVolume(int) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPMIDIChannel
Sets this MIDI channel's volume.
setWidth(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursor
setWidth(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
setWidth(int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.SlideLabel
setchordFingeringDisplayed(boolean) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPChordDiagram
shortProperty(String, short) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
shortTitle() -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
showCustomInputDialog(Component, String, Object, boolean, String) -
Static method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
showDialogOk(String, Object) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
this method allows to show a message on a information dialog the Object
can be a String or a Component see JOptionPane
showFileChooserAndOpen() -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
Show file chooser, respond to the actions, and load a file as necesary
showMessageAlreadyOpen(String) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
this message is showed when a file is already open
showSnap -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
showTextFile(String, String, boolean, int, int) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
this method shows a file on a ScrollText or ScrollTextPane according to
the value of scroll
singleButton -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
singleButton -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
singleButton -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
singleButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
singleButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
singleButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
singleColor -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
singleColor -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
singleColor -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
singleMusicCursorColor -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.DisplayOptions
if true the musicCursor are all in the same color
otherwise each MusicCursor is painted with the Track color
singleRadioButton -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
singleRadioButton -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
singleRadioButton -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
singleRadioButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelNote
singleRadioButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelRhythm
singleRadioButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.ColorPanelSelect
skip(long) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPInputStream
Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
slapping -
Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnBeat
Presence of a slapping effect.
slapping -
Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStatsEffectsOnBeat
slide -
Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnNote
Slide possibly associated with this effect.
slidesNames -
Static variable in class dguitar.gui.SlideLabel
snap(Point, MusicCursor) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarPanel
snap(Point, Point) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
snapRect -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
snapX(int, MusicCursor) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.Bar
snapX(int, MusicCursor) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.BarMTP
snapX(int, MusicCursor) -
Method in class dguitar.gui.unused.BarStandard
somethingSongDefinition() -
Static method in class test.songs.SongArchive
song -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
songLbl -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
songObject -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.MusicCursorPosition
This object holds information about the current beat or bar
songOptionsListener -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongOptionsMenu
songPanel -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
songText -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.PlayPanel
soundPlayer -
Variable in class dguitar.players.sound.MasterPlayer
source -
Variable in class dguitar.adaptors.song.event.SongNoteOffMessage
spaceBCBP -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.TrackPanel
spacingChange -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongPanel
splitTrack(Track) -
Static method in class dguitar.adaptors.midi.MidiAdaptor
staccato -
Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPEffectsOnNote
Presence of staccato.
start -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.FileLoaderHandler
start() -
Method in class dguitar.gui.FileLoaderHandler
start -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ScoreInformationDialog
start -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.SongInternalFrame
start() -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.MasterPlayer
start() -
Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.SoundPlayer
start() -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiFiler
start() -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiPlayer
start -
Variable in class test.songs.SongComponent
start() -
Method in class test.tools.MockMidiPlayer
startDisplayString(ScrollTextPanel) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
stop() -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.MasterPlayer
stop() -
Method in interface dguitar.players.sound.RealtimeSoundPlayer
stop() -
Method in class dguitar.players.sound.midi.MidiPlayer
stop() -
Method in class test.tools.MockMidiPlayer
stopDisplayString() -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
stringFor(int, String, int, String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.statistics.GPStats
creates a String that is used for output os statistics
stringize(MidiEvent) -
Static method in class test.tools.MidiTools
stringize(MidiMessage) -
Static method in class test.tools.MidiTools
subtitle -
Variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPSong
The piece subtitle.
subtitle -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.ScoreInformationDialog
supportedExtension(String) -
Method in interface dguitar.codecs.Codec
Returns if the extension is supported by this codec
supportedExtension(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.GPInputStream
supportedExtension(String) -
Method in class dguitar.codecs.midi.MidiOutputStream
supportedExtensions -
Variable in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
A list of the supportedExtension according to the available CoDecs
supportedVersion(String) -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1.GP1InputStream
This method checks if the String version if supported.
supportedVersion(String) -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2.GP2InputStream
This method checks if the String version if supported.
supportedVersion(String) -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3.GP3InputStream
This method checks if the String version if supported.
supportedVersion(String) -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4.GP4InputStream
This method checks if the String version if supported.
supportedVersions -
Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1.GP1InputStream
The versions this parser supports.
supportedVersions() -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version1.GP1InputStream
This methods returns a String with the supported versions separated by
supportedVersions -
Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2.GP2InputStream
The versions this parser supports.
supportedVersions() -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version2.GP2InputStream
This methods returns a String with the supported versions separated by
supportedVersions -
Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3.GP3InputStream
The versions this parser supports.
supportedVersions() -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version3.GP3InputStream
This methods returns a String with the supported versions separated by
supportedVersions -
Static variable in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4.GP4InputStream
The versions this parser supports.
supportedVersions() -
Static method in class dguitar.codecs.guitarPro.version4.GP4InputStream
This methods returns a String with the supported versions separated by
switchLog() -
Method in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
sysErr -
Static variable in class dguitar.gui.DGuitar
All Classes
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